MOL letter to IHSA regarding COR Equivalency

Toronto, ON, November 4, 2024.  Readers of our twice-weekly e-mail blast will recall that in fall 2021, the Ontario WSIB-funded Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA), which administers the COR® (Certificate of Recognition) program, first announced its plan to implement an equivalency process whereby organizations achieving ISO 45001 third party conformance verification could be granted COR® 2020 equivalency (attachment).  The plan was well-received by Ontario construction sector employers, and has advanced the implementation of health and safety programs modelled along the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management standard.  

Moving forward in time, IHSA suddenly and unexpectedly announced in August 2024 that ISO 45001 equivalency would be terminated - initially as of September 2024, which was later extended to March 2025 in response to industry outcries (attachment).  IHSA's decision was widely interpreted as an indication that the equivalency process was "too successful", and eroding IHSA's COR® program.  

On October 25th, IHSA's plan to kill ISO 45001 equivalency was itself killed by the provincial government.  In a letter of that date addressed to IHSA President Enzo Garritano, the Hon. David Piccini, Ontario Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, wrote: 

"The upcoming elimination of the equivalency process will negatively effect stakeholders, industry, and those who bid and buy construction in Ontario. The equivalency allows employers who have successfully implemented ISO 45001:2018 to maintain that certification without requiring full certification to COR® 2020. Holding two certifications to similar CPO accredited standards would be duplicative, expensive, and without any added health and safety benefit. As Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, I am now directing the IHSA under subsection 22.6(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act to continue granting COR® 2020 equivalency to firms that are certified under the ISO 45001:2018 standard on a permanent basis (emphasis added)."  

 It's probably fair to say we've now come to the final chapter in the saga of COR® ISO 45001 equivalency.

 For more information on the changes or details on COR® 2020 or ISO 45001:2018 management systems, please contact Brad Kutchoski, Principal - Health & Safety Programs.


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